Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Describe Heather. If Heather were a girl at this school, would you like her? Why or why not? What about Heather would you like? What about Heather would you hate?


  1. Heather is very intense. She wants to fit in so badly that she would ditch the person who talked to her when she was a new student. I don't really think that I would like her, because she pushed Mel so hard to join clubs and stuff and, even though she acknowledged that something was wrong with Mel, she never asked what was wrong. She was more concerned about herself. I would like that she is super organized, though. It bugs me when people forget the most obvious things that they would need on a daily basis. I would hate that she keeps asking her friends for favors, even though she hasn't done anything for her.

  2. Heather is really pushy and changes a lot to fit the view of whats cool to others. She is also oblivious to the feelings of others, and doesn't really care much. I don't think I would really be her friend, because she is too fast-paced.

  3. Heather is selfish to me. She ditches Mel to fit in with a group of people who from my point of view are using her for their dirty work. If Heather were a girl at my school I wouldn't like her because she would only want to be my friend when she needed help, which isn't a bad thing, but that's all she would need me for. The one thing that i like about Heather is that she knows how to got what she wants. One thing i hate about Heather is that she is clinging to the Marthas but the Marthas are slowly pushing her away.

  4. I would not like Heather at all. Just because she was Melinda's friend, I'm pretty sure that she was just using her to get more popular. And also to do all of her jobs when she was with the Marthas. The thing that I like about Heather is that she knows what she wants, and will do almost anything to get it. The thing that I hate most about Heather is that she doesn't really get it when people are trying to tell her something. When she was in the Marthas she didn't understand that they were only using HER for the dirty work.

  5. Heather is a freak. Trying so hard to fit in. Being someone your not. Using people then ditching them. That's really lame of her. Trying so hard is just not going to work. If your that desperate to get popular then do what you want to do. I mean being popular is like a job. You have to keep up with everything that's going on and sooner or later your going to come back to the friend you ditched. What I like about Heather is that she tries so hard to fit it it makes me laugh. Just hearing her mistakes. Ha! But the thing that makes me hate her a lot is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself. How self-centered.

  6. Heather is so concerned about what other people think about her. She tries to make everything about her perfect and have people like what she isnt. You dont try to make your personality different just to be popular, or cool. Just be who you are and it will work out better. You dont fake people thinking they are your friends then ditching them for your own good, its self-centered and u will lose your actual good friends. I dont think i would like Heather if she went to my school because i wouldnt know if shes truely my friend or just trying to get friends that she will only have for a couple months. The thing i hate about Heather tho is that she never does anything for anyone else, she assumes people will do stuff for her and she wont want to spoil her own hands to do stuff for others.

  7. I think heather is the kind of person who thinks she has to be perfect but knows she cant be. I dont think i would like her that much because she cant really do anything that she wants to do. She can only do things that she thinks she has to do. She would propably raise my spirit whith her happiness though.
