Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'd like to hear some predictions about where this book will go. I've read the book a few times, and so I can't make predictions anymore, but I'd still like to hear yours. Here is a spot for you brave souls who want to guess what might happen.


  1. I think that Ismael will continue his journey and will be captured eventually by someone, but I don't think he'll see his parents or friends again because after the things rebels do if they catch you, I wouldn't think you would survive, or you would serve in their military.

  2. You've made some great predicitons, Josh. We'll see what happens!

  3. Josh's predictions are excellent. I just finished chapter 10 and I think Ishmael will get separated from his friends again, but eventually find his family.

  4. I like the predictions that Quietkid and josh have made, but I think that he will not see his family again. On page 43 at the end of the page it says and I quote "It was the last time I saw Junior, my older brother." I also think that in the end he hides on a ship to the U.S.A. and lives there.

  5. I agree with ka-jer-sta. Ishmael will more than likely hide on a ship to the US. I read ahead to chapter 16 where Ishmael is plucked out of the army and into a rehabilitation center. I think that the rehabilitation center will send him to the US. I hope that Ishmael will return to the gleeful child he once was.

  6. Now that I kept on reading I know that Ismael won't see his family again. I really agree with quietkid about how he will get separated from his friends again and will have to travel on his own. I also think that Ismael later on and will be captured by the rebels.

  7. I think that Ishmael will eventually leave his frinds and go on a long journey alone far, far away to continue fighting the rebels. Then, I think he will find refuge somewhere, and eventually leave for the U.S. from the refugee camp.

  8. I kind of agree with Alec. I think that Ishmael will leave his friends later on, but it says on the back of the book that he is removed from the army when he is sixteen. The back also says that he goes to a rehabilitation center, and I think the one he goes to will be in the U.S.

  9. I think that Ishmeal will go into great depression of losing his family and die.

  10. pppisssshh YA RIGHT! after i told you that he doesn't die

  11. I really thought that Ishmael was going to reunite with his family but the rebels just had to ruin it. I think that Ishmeal will lose hid friends, but then he'll find new people and become friends with them. Then he go to the U.S. but i stil think that his parents are still alive.

  12. NO way I total don't agure with Mr. Penut. I mean come on he saw his dead parnets bodies to a burt crisp and that one guy knew which hut they were in.
