Monday, November 2, 2009

The End of Skill

Vanessa loved Kente cloth and she seemed to know so much about it. However, she obviously used it in a manner that showed ignorance. Do you think it is possible to have a love for something, and yet ignore its true cultural significance?


  1. I think that it is. If you don't really know or belong to that culture then you have to study on what that particular piece of culture means to the people, not just what that piece signifies.

  2. I think it is possible because of what Vanessa did, clearly. Also, sometimes if you were to buy something that is from a different culture you may not know what the cultural significance of it is unless you've researched it beforehand. I think that it was an honest mistake on her part, disrespectful, but unintentional. Vanessa knew so much about Kente cloth but forgot about that big part.

  3. Yes I do think that it is possible because people do it all the time. It might not be something cultural but people do it everyday. This would all come down what's important to you and what's important to someone else because I'm that if Vanessa knew that what she was doing hurt Kente's feelings and showed ignorance, she wouldn'd had done it. It was important to her but I think since she wasn's growing up around it she didn't know its total importance.

  4. I also think that can have a love for something, and yet ignore its true cultural significance. I think that now and days it is much easier to do stuff like that. Although sometimes it is just a way to feel as if you belong to that culture.

  5. I do think it's possible to have a love for something and yet ignore it's cultural significance. You may love to look or something and you may not like the story behind it. This situation happens probably almost everyday: loving something but yet forget about the history or culture.

  6. I think that it is possible. You can love someting but sometimes you don't have to recognize it's cultural meaning. One thing to someone can be nothing to another even though they both may love it.

  7. I think you can, because Vanessa did. I think she loved it in a different way than most people. Vanessa used the Kente cloth in a more modern way; some people might even think that she used it in a more creative way. It might have showed ignorance in some people's eyes, but not her eyes. Everybody is different, and everybody thinks differently too.

  8. I agree with the people above, it is possible to love a cultural signifigent thing, but still be ingnorant of what the actual value or to the item or thing it self. Going along with Ka-jer-sta, that it is very common to do things like wear a cultural signifigant item in a un-cultural way.

  9. I think that you can love something, but still have ignorance for it too. Vanessa may have said that she loved the kente cloth, but she didn’t realize that she was treating it disrespectfully. I agree with Kjersta that it is easier to be disrespectful, especially because some people treat different things with more or less respect than other people.

  10. Yes it is possile to ignore cultural significance, while loving that object. What we may think is right or doesn't matter, may be very important to some people.

  11. I think that most people will love something without thinking of its cultural significance. Maybe Vanessa thought that if she used the cloth in a more modern way, that it would show that she loved it even more. She had no idea that it was a disrespect to the culture that the Kente cloth came from.

  12. I think it is. It is always possible to show affection to something without knowing what it is. This is just and example, but it's a lot like a young child loving there dad's wallet and using it to suck on. The child doesn't know its signifigance, and most likely doesn't care. But it still loves the wallet. I think that its very rude to not know a religios items true meaning, because like Vannessa and the ambassodor, they abused the cloth. Religion represents people's beleifs and actions.

  13. I think it's possible for vanessa to have love for the kente cloth, but she doesn't love it in a cultural way so she doesn't realize that she was using it disrespectfully.

  14. Well it is clearly possible since vanessa does it. If you are part of a culture and you see this happen it could be considered disrespectful. If you are not apart of this culture you usually ignore cultural significance for pure look and purpose. This happens everyday, all over the world. It could be offensive, but unless your very cultural it shouldn't be considered too bad!

  15. I think it's possible to love something, but to forget where it actually came from and the culture that goes with it. Vanessa did not show respect for the Kente, but she means well. She was probably just trying to show that she wants to be a part of the culture too.

  16. yes i do think it is possible to do that. i think that Vanessa wasnt really trying to ignore or disrespect the kente cloth, i just think she didnt think about it when she wore it the way she did and disrespected its culture.she just wanted to be part of that culture.
