Thursday, February 4, 2010

Inem's life

Inem is now able to be beaten by anyone because she has brought disgrace upon her family. Some people feel "disgraced" or even embarrassed by actions that someone else commits. Why do you think this is? Do you think it's possible to realize that what someone in your family (or not in your family) can act solely on their own and you should not be embarrassed by their actions? Or do you think it's human nature to feel embarrassment? Why?


  1. Inem's family is respected and Inem's divorce has embarassed her family and her family's honor, it's just her familys' tradition.

  2. I have a little sister and I must admit that I get embarassed by her actions on a regular basis. I still don't see it fit that they beat Inem, it is not okay to beat anyone for anyreason. I think people feel embarrassed because you still have to be seen with the person who embarrases them self. I do think it is possible for people to understand that they should not be embarrassed by another person's actions. Most people do not realize this though. It is a human nature, but if they choose to embarrass themselves that is not your doing so you should not be embarrassed. Even though I still get embarrassed.

  3. I think her family is embarressed because when someone in your family disgraces themselves, they disgrace you. It's kind of like if you are representing a company and a camera catches you picking your nose. Now not only you are embarrassed, but your entire company is embarressed because it makes them look like slobs. I think it's in the human nature to feel embarressed so we know to not to repeat the action, and to learn from our mistakes. That's my opinion on embarressment.

  4. Emarrassment is a natural thing in people in my eyes. We all have a strong urge to be accepted, and when something taboo happens embarrasment is just something that comes with the worry of being alienated.

    That was too many big words for me.

  5. I think that is because when someone that you know or related to does something that your whole country frowns upon, their first instinct is to do the same. I do think that we shouldn't be embarassed by them. It's not like it effects our whole lives. The families religious beleifs think that she has brought disgrace upon her family, although I don't actually believe in those kinds of things, it could happen.

  6. I think that she feels people are able to beat her because her husband doesn't want her so who else would? She's a child and can't grasp the fact that everyone makes mistakes and it's not her fault that someone beats on her. It's human nature to feel embarrassed and it's also human nature to overcome it.

  7. I agree with Poncho when she said, "Emarrassment is a natural thing." I embarrass myself on a regualar basis. it is just not taken as seriously. I think that they are embarrassed by her because they think that she has done a poor job at being a wife. She was too young to get married, she didn't know any better. It isn't her fault, she just wasn't ready. She thought she was, but she just didn't have the experience. I agree with Katie! It is not okay to beat anyone for any reason.

  8. I think that when someone you are related to or are associated with does something that is "embarassing" or "disgraceful" to you or your family, you get embarassed- it's because people genuninely like to be liked. So, when someone does such a thing, they don't want to have others to assume that you are from or like to be with people like that.

  9. They are embarrassed because she has been divorced. Even if it is something Inem did on her own, the family still gets the blame. Maybe, they used to be know as "the family down the street" or "the family with all the dogs", but now they're probably known as "the family with the divorced girl". That would be very embarrassing and disgraceful to you if your culture believed that was very bad, like the characters in the story do.
