Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Proof - cover up

Miguel's father immediately wants to cover up his son's "work." The maid does too. What is the motivation for both characters?


  1. The maid wants to cover it up because she thinks that the canary escapes because she was careless with the cage. She doesn't want to be blamed. The dad wants to cover it up so it doesn't reflect badly on his parenting that his son kills random animals.

  2. I think the maid covered it up because she thought it was because of her own carelessness, and she did not want to be fired. After Miguel tells her what happens she tells him that if it had a black foot, then it was from the devil, because she knew it had a black foot. I think his father covered it up so his mom wouln't find it first, and so the dad could talk to his son.

  3. The dad wants to cover it up because it's HIS kid, and he doesn't want people think that that's what he taught him. and i agree with briese21 about the maid too, she's embarassed about her "carelessness" that was actually from the kid

  4. The Dad wants to cover this up because he feels ashamed of his son doing this because no parent wants their son killing animals. The maid wants to because she thinks that the bird escaped due to her carelessness but it didn't.

  5. I think that the maid wants to keep her job, and to not disapoint the family by her "carelessness". The father wants to cover it up because, like the maid, he doesn't want to disapoint the son, or his wife.

  6. I agree with everyone. The maid wanted the family to beleive that she wasnt careless, and the dad didnt want other people to know.

  7. The Dad sort of thought that the kid was "crazy" and he didn't want it to reflect on him, also, it's kind of gross having a dead bird in your basement. The maid was feeling really bad because she thought that it was her fault, so she wanted to cover it up so she didn't get in trouble. She got kind of mad when she found out that it was the kid's fault.

  8. They are just embarassed by Miguel's actions. They just ignored what he did and tried to forget it about it.

  9. I think that Miguel's father wanted to cover up his son's work because he doesn't want people to think that he was a bad father who hasn't taught his son any different. He doesn't want it to seem like his son's actions reflect his own. I also think that the maid wanted to cover it up because she didn't want to be fired for her own carelessness. The reason why they covered it up was because of the fear of what other people will think of them.

  10. I think they both did it to save themselves from getting into trouble. The maid should have consulted with the boy's father.

  11. I agree with everyone that wrote so far, which is a lot of people, but I think they are right. The maid tried to cover up the scene because she thought it was her fault, and didn't want to be blamed and thought of as careless. Maybe she even thought that the boy really loved the canary, and didn't want him to be sad. I think that the dad tried to cover it up because he knew his son did it and he's embarrassed by it and doesn't want other people to find out.

  12. Tje maid wants to "cover it up" because she thinks it's her fault. She thinks the canary got out because of her own carelesness. It would reflect on her work if the parent "knew" she killed the bird. The dad tried to "cover it up" because it would make him seem like a bad dad. If someone's kid goes around killing birds, you're probably going to think bad of the whole family. Especially the kid though.

  13. I agree with everone about the maid, but I thought the dad's motivation was different. I thought his motivation was to talk to his son about why he killed the bird because almost any parent would talk to their child if they killed an animal, especially a pet. I thought his motivation was to find out why his son killed the canary. I may be wrong, because I can't recall parts of the story.
