Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Movie differences- birth

In the movie Kahu had a twin brother who dies. Why do you think this is? What was the point of adding a boy?


I haven't heard many good things from students about the book. To be honest, I first watched the movie and then read the book. I didn't enjoy the book much at all my first time through. I appreciated the novel much more on my second reading. I think it was because I looked at it from a mystical pooint of view. I also saw the humor in it much more. What aspects of the book did you most dislike? Or if you did like the book, what did you enjoy?

Novel vs Movie

You've noticed how much the novel differs from the movie. Things must be done on screen much differently than they are on paper. There is less time, and action and music must take the place of text -- a sometimes difficult task. Which was better? Why?