Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Every Voice

I believe every voice can make drastic changes, no matter how old or how young you are. Latifa takes a risk. Whether it was worth it or not, is up for each individual to decide. Are you a risk taker, or do you prefer to play a more safe role?


  1. It depends what the subject is. I will take risks, but if it's something that I know I will most likely fail, I probably won't take the risk of trying. A lot of the time though, on things that are important to me, I do take risks. I think everybody should take a few risks every so often. Its good for you.

  2. I guess it really depends on what the situation is. If it's something that i would have to risk my life and absolutely everything I would probably play it safe. If the situation wasn't all that serious and if i didn't have very much to loose, I would most likely be a risk taker.

  3. It depends on what it is I'm might be taking a risk on. Like on a test I don't study, that's a risk I take because I'm not always sure if I remember all the information on the test. So that's a common risk I take.

  4. I probably would be more of a risk taker. I like to try things and usually say whats on my mind. I speak up if I believe something is wrong. I am only shy around people that I don't like talking to or don't know that well.

  5. I believe I am a risk taker at times. I don't really think of the outcome of my drastic ideas, I just do it. I take a lot of risks with the outfits I chose to wear because I don't feel everyone should look the same. I believe uniqueness is the key to life. Taking risks sets us apart. We each take different risks and we each get different outcomes but it's how we chose to live.

  6. I take risks sometimes, though I don't believe that I am a constant risk taker. I've had lots of bad memories of taking risks for people and then being severly let down so I myself have held back from doing those kinds of things at this point. I don't enjoy trying new things anymore, and being away from normalcy is a terrifying feat for me.

  7. I'm not much of a risk taker. When Laftifa left for Paris, the risk that she wouldn't be able to go back home was always there, and she knew it was. It seems kind of selfish, but I don't think that I would risk never seeing my family again, and never being able to come home, just to tell people my story, even if it would change a few hundred lives. My family means everything to me, and I just wouldn't be able do that.

  8. I agree it typically depends on the topic for me. When it comes to something exciting and fun with my friends, I am usually up for it. I like doing random stuff that excites me, but if its standing up to someone or doing something really bad i usually wont. I like being a risk taker from time to time though:)

  9. I am more of a play-it-safe kind of guy. Sure, once a while I'll take a risk, but not frequently. Whether I take a risk depends on the situation. If in a sport, I'll be more likely to take a risk than a more serious risk, such as diving off a cliff.

  10. Ok all I can say is I'm more of a risk taker, like when it comes to people. I love to meet new people and meet new personalities, each person I meet is like taking a mini adventure with the twists and turns of getting to know that person. As I would say who knows what you could do if you don't take a risk now and then. :)

  11. Like Sarah, it depends on the situation. If I was Latifa, and I wasn't encouraged by my family to take that risk, I would've never done it. Also, she had her family by her side when she went to Paris.
