Tuesday, April 6, 2010


At the end of the novel, Latifa doesn't know the whereabouts of her brother or sister who were left in Afghanistan. Was Latifa's decision to help all the women of her country worth the risk of the loss of part of her family?


  1. I think Latifa made a good decision by going to France to help the women of her country, even if it meant her family might be separated for a little while. Any word she said could have make a difference in someone's life, so by sharing her experiences with the Taliban to people who could help could change the womens' lives forever. Also, in the long run, you will always find your way back to your family, no matter what.

  2. I think that it's worth it since she's helping all women if Afghanistan, and she will probably see her siblings later

  3. I think it was worthe the risk of the loss of part of her family because that's what her family wanted her to do. They wanted her to go to Paris and speak for her country in hope that they'll be free also. I think they're still alive somewhere and I think they will find eachother because of their spirit and their love for eachother.

  4. Yes, it saved her sister too not just other women. She gave her sister the chance to start life again and work. I think Soraya knew the risks of never seeing Latifa. Latifa may have felt guilty if she didnt go.

  5. I think she did the right thing because if she helps every woman, then her family can come back when Afghanistan is a free country.

  6. I think it was mostly worth the risk. For starters, without her going Afghanistan might not have been "freed." Secondly, if she doesn't go, then she has to face the fact that she had the oppurtunity, and her family could still be lost anyways.

  7. I think that it was a good decision for her to speak out about the things going on in her country to the world. It was definitely worth it on the whole, to help more families, too, along with her own. When Afghanistan is free of the Taliban, she will be able to see her family again.

  8. I also think that she did the right thing. The world needed to know the horrible things that were going on in Afghanistan. Without her help, things would possibly still be bad in afganistan.
