Monday, October 11, 2010


One of the things that strikes me about Ishmael’s memories of his village is that there seemed to be such a strong sense of community. This is evident in the village’s celebration of Ishmael’s name giving ceremony.

There is an African Proverb too, that is something to the effect of: It takes a village to raise a child. However, in America, people tend to not like others scolding or correcting their children (other than, perhaps, teachers).

Which is better? Explain.


  1. I think being able to correct other peoples children is fine because a lot of parents don't catch all of the bad things that their own children do. I think that since we see that Ishmael and his friends have such respect for their parents/parental figures that we should try some of the things they do to fulfill that respect. I don't see why people would get mad if another responsible adult corrects their child if he/she were doing something unacceptable.

  2. I think that it is fine if a whole village is raising a child, as long as you know and trust the people. I know I wouldn't want my child being raised and scolded by people I didn't know that well. As long as you trust the village then I think it is fine because it's okay to have help in life. That is why I think that having a whole village raise a child can be helpful.

  3. I think that it takes a village to raise a child. Two parent can only watch one of their kids so much whereas a whole village can watch and teach by kindness and example.

  4. I think that having a whole village raise a child is better than just parents raising a child because then you learn more from everyone and you learn to have more respect for everyone, although I wouldn't like complete strangers scolding a child.

  5. I think that it would be okay to scold others children. Mostly because some children might grow up in a bad environment for a good parent to correct them. Also a parent can't always be watching there kids so it would be nice to have other people looking out for them. Lastly it builds trust in a village/neighborhood.

  6. I think that the African way of raising a child is better, because most people in America like to think that everything around them is perfect, so they typically don't like it if some other person makes a comment that makes them less perfect. Children respond to negative remarks in (shocking) a negative way! I think that we need to raise more children like they do in Africa just so they are brought up respecting the whole community, not just their parents.

  7. If a whole village raises a child, it is good as long as you get to know the people before and keep your children away from those who wouldn't be helpful.

  8. I think that our society is more like the village situation than we know. It is true that we don't like random strangers scolding our kids, but we are fine with people that we are close to giving stern warnings. People in a village are all close to each other, so our families and friends are like the village.

  9. It depends on who you live by but i would think Americas way.

  10. My opinion is that other people should be allowed to scold your child, but you as a parent(s) still need to control your child. Sometimes adults think that when your out in public with your child or children it's not your job to control them anymore. But now there so worried about if you scold someone for doing something wrong, it's like you're crushing their hopes and dreams!

  11. I believe that it's absolutely fine if your child is raised by a village. I think it's fine as long as you are very close to the village and trust the people there. I think that the people in America are raised differently, and the beliefs are obviously different and that they think that as their child's parents/guardian, they're the only ones who should be able to raise their child. It would be good to have your kid get raised by others because then they would learn some different that their parents didn't point out and be more respectful to others.

  12. I think that community is important, but not all of us find it as important as we should. It is not an accurate statement to say that all of America doesn't have a strong sense of community, because many smaller towns are very close and aren't afraid to scold other people's children. Kids in those towns aren't afraid to ask the new kid to play, because they were raised with the trust of people in the community, very similar to the African way. I think that is a better way of raising a child.

  13. I think it is fine for other people to scold someones children if their doing something wrong they should know that is not okay. Some kids have parents that simply don't care so the children need structure they need to know whats right and wrong and whats appropriate.

  14. I like the American way better because i don't necessarily always like being corrected, sometimes it is o.k. but usually it gets annoying. Most parents do a great job raising there kids so i again think it is better the American way.

  15. I agree raising a child takes a village because,if just one person raises a child a child only gets one point of view that's not necessarily bad but sometimes it is.Some parents don't scold there children so they don't learn to behave so if a village raises it everyone will teach it.

  16. I think that the African way of raising children is better. If the child's parent doesn't see something that they are doing wrong, someone else in the village could correct them. I think that the village is much closer and friendly to each other that way. The child could also have a bigger support system and they can grow up knowing what is right and what is wrong.

  17. I don't think that either of them are wrong and that it would be your own decision how to raise a child. The African way is good because if your parents arent raising you right or if someone else sees something they could do differently they could fix it. The American way is good because you could raise your child the way you want to and no one else besides maybe other family members or teachers can raise you differently or brain wash the child.

  18. I think that a community raising your child is better than just the family. That way if your child happens to be doing something wrong, and the parent are not around to see it, then whoever saw it could correct them. Plus I think the child would feel connected to the community, because they're growing up around them, and it's like the child has a huge family,
