Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Mr. Freeman believes the answer to all problems is art. Melinda draws her tree with lightening striking it. This is symbolic. Something awful has happened to Melinda. She will use art to help her. We will see her tree grow and develop, and we will see Melinda grow and develop. What is a stress reliever for you? What helps you work thru problems?


  1. A stress reliever for me is probably playing sports where you can hit something, like softball or tennis. I like solving problems by facing them head on, and just getting it over with. If you have a problem it's not good to just sit there and think about it.

  2. A stress reliever for me is to talk it out to someone who will really listen to me, and understand. It helps me work through problems because the person I'm talking to will have a point to prove and I like to hear it no matter if I'm right or wrong.

  3. I have two ways that I relieve stress. First I write everything I'm feeling in a journal or notebook. It helps me organize my thoughts when I am confused. Second I would probably talk to my mom. She has been through and done things that I can often relate to. She can almost always give me some advice to help in my situation.

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  5. A stress reliever for me is probably just sitting in my room and talking to my best friend. I can tell her anything so i can trust her and she can trust me too.

    P.S have a fun summer!!!

  6. Sometimes when im stressed i like to go outside and play volleyball or go for a walk. Sometimes i like to tell my dad because he comforts me when im upset.
