Monday, January 4, 2010

Koro and Kahu

In the movie, Kahu says her father disliked her at birth, “…but he changed his mind.” Then some time is spent showing a relationship between the two before Koro changes his mind again. What are your thoughts on why?


  1. I think Koro started to form a relationship after his disliked her at birth but I think he feels sad about being mean but he wants to be nice and start hanging out with her. He starts getting mad at her again because she can do everything better than the boys.

  2. I agree with Josh completely. I think that he tried having some sort of a relationship with her and once it was getting strong, Koro would start to angry because kahu could do everthing better than the boys.

  3. When she was born, he was obviously disappointed. I think eventually he figured out that she was going to be the only grandchild he got, so that's when he became nice. But when he trains the boys, she ruins it by being better. Which, if you think about it, she (sort of) blocked him twice.

  4. I agree with Sarah and Josh. Koro doesnt like Kahu at , because shes a girl and that of course breaks the tradition they have. Once Kahu gets older and Koro realizes she isn't so bad, they have a relationship. It is true that they show mainly the period before Koro dislikes her again, most likely because this is important. I think it's important because we need to know that Koro did like Kahu, and show how things were. Then Koro doesn't like her as she gets older, because she wants to be like the boys, and can do things better than boys.

  5. Koro tried not to have a relationship with her at first. He was to disappointed in her. I think that after he started to realize that she was better than the boys, he started to treat her a little better.

  6. Koro didn't like Kahu at first because she was supposed to be a chief, and that she was a girl. I think he built a relationship with her because he realized that it doesn't matter if she's a girl or not. Not that he would allow her to be a chief, but that he could find a new chief. Finding a new chief would take time, so therefore, it left time for Koro and Kahu to build a relationship. When Kahu wanted to be chief, it made Koro mad, and when he realized that Kahu was better than any of the "men" he was training, it made him angry.

  7. I totally agree with Jenny (:. What I was about to say is pretty much what she said, should i repeat it? Yes, Koro didn't like Kahu at first because she was a girl. She was supposed to become the next chief but that was the job for a male. Then he realizes that she can do things better than the boys.

  8. I think Koro liked her before because he thought he could just replace her. She wasn't much of a "threat". When he was searching for the "right" cheif, Kahu was better than the boys, and she seemed almost like a threat. He wanted her to stop trying and just blend to the background so he killed their bond. I bet if he ever did find "the one", he would try to build back their bond.

  9. I think that in the movie Koro didn't dislike Kahu like he did until after he found out they had a boy and he died. His thoughts were "the one" died and this girl lives. I agree with Alli too because Kahu was the best for the job and was better than the boys.

  10. I agree with everyone, Koro tries to have a relationship with Kahu but he doesn't want to. I think this because Koro wants to like Kahu, but she is a girl and she's next in line to be a chief. Then he saw that she was better than all the boys and relized that she was perfect for the position.
