Monday, January 4, 2010


Lots of time is spent on choosing the “correct” actor/actress for each role in a film. Who was not what you pictured? For me, no one was who I pictured except Kahu. What did you envision and how was it different from what you expected?


  1. I thought that Nanny Flowers would be chubby and wear more dresses and "old people" clothes. I also thought that Koro would be tall and kind of boney, and not so square looking. I thought that Rawiri would look more like the film version of Porourangi, not so chunky. Kahu looked like I imagined she would, but she's the only one.

  2. My thoughts are like Julia's. I didn't picture Rawiri to be obese.

  3. I thought that Rawiri wouldn't be so fat. Also Also I thought that Nanny Flowers would look like she was mad all the time and was short and fat. Lastly, I thought that Koro looked like what I imagined him to look like.

  4. I also imagined Nanny Flowers to have shorter hair and wear night gowns and more "old people" clothing as did Julia S. had said I didn't think that they would quite as chunky as they appeared in the movie. Rawiri is pretty big and in the movie when he comes for breakfast, Nanny Flowers comments and says that he needs to fatten up more than he already was.

  5. I agree with Julia. Rawiri was nothing I expected him to look like. I thought he would be average sized weight and younger. I also thought that Kahu's dad was not what I had pictured. I pictured him with short hair all the way through not just in the end.

  6. Ooops! scratch that "as did" before I mentioned Julia S. Kevin distracted me therefore he screwed me up.

  7. Kahu looked like I thought she would, but that's because she was on the front and back covers of the books. I really thought Nanny Flowers was going to be older, too, but obviously not like ancient. So she was not expected. Like Julia, I thought Rawiri would be skinnier too. But I didn't really think ahead that much. I don't really care if they look different or not.

  8. I honestly pictured the characters being different, even Kahu. I visioned Kahu with longer hair. I thought Rawiri would have been muscular. Koro Apirana, thin without grey hair. I thought Nanny Flowers would be big boned with flowing black hair and Ana white! That was a drastic change from what I pictured. I didn't like it at all!

  9. I agree with Julia too. In the middle of the book, Koro and Rawiri keep teasing Nanny how she's gotten plump and needs to lose a few pounds. Also, I kind of expected Koro to look older, because he was a great-grandparent, and he doesn't look that old. What Rawiri
    looked like in the movie really surprised me. They should have made him look younger, because in the book it says he was 24, but in the movie he looks like 40.

  10. Nobody besides Kahu and Koro matched in my eyes. Rawiri was fat, Nanny wasn't. They should've just switched their roles.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. To me, I though Nanny Flowers was fatter then the person in the movie. When I saw Kahu, I always imagined her different in the book, like I thought her skin was a little whiter then that. For Koro, i thought he was older then the person that acted for him. I also didn't think Rawiri was that big in size.

  13. i thought that that Nanny Flowers would be more chubby because in the book it said she was chubby.I also thought that Rawiri would be skinnier.Kahu is probably the only one i pictured her to look like.

  14. I agree with QuietKid & City Strider! I expected Rawiri to be skinnier, slick and cool with his leather jacket and motorcycle. I also pictured Nanny Flowers to be a big crazy woman with long white hair.

  15. I also agree with Julia about Rawiri and Nanny Flowers. I think that Rawiri would have been much skinnier because it says in the book that when he was with Jeff on a New Guinea island and did farm work. I also think that Nanny should have been a chubbier womean, and when riding on Rawiri bike Rawiri would worry about his bike.

  16. I dont care that Rawiri was fat. I notcied that they said in the book that he was a biker. In the movies they didnt show him on a motorcycle at all if I remember corectly

  17. Kahu didn't look like how I expected her to look, to me, in the movie, she looked slightly like a guy. In the book, it said that she usually had her hair in pigtails, and in the movie she never did. Also, I didn't expect Rawiri to be overweight. I imagined him to be just an average guy.

  18. Everyone looked different to me, but Kahu's father. Koro , in my head, seemed to be older, Rawiri was supposed to be a biker that wears leather a lot, and Nanny Flowers was supposed to be A LOT more like she was in the novel.

  19. I agree with Julia S. and paige.I did not exspect rawiri to be as big as he was. While reading the book i imagined him being thin. Ialso exspected nanny flowers to be bigger than she was.

  20. When Rawiri was first mentioned in the book I didn't imagine him being fat, and the book said he was fat I thought he can't be that fat. In the movie he was fat and kind of hairy, it made me laugh because he was different from what I expected.
