Friday, October 16, 2009

Novel Impressions

A couple of things really struck me as I read this novel. One is the pure brutality that some people had to endure before dieing. Not just emotionally—seeing family members slaughtered, but the physical torture. One particular scene which really affected me was when the rebels were forced to dig their own graves, then buried alive.

Something else that struck me is the natural instinct to survive. I know drugs keep Ishmael going, but not after he is rescued by UNICEF. Where does his strength come from?

What thoughts did you have while reading this novel? What affected you? What bothered you? What questions would you have if you were to talk with Ishmael?


  1. Some of the things that affected me while I was reading were the ways he killed poeple, like when they found the rebels how he shoot them in the foot and wacthed them suffer there is no way in the world that I could shoot some one. I kept thinking thoughout the book that THERE was no way I could do that. One big question that I would have for Ishmael is what was it like, leaving your parents that night and finding out that the town mit be next. I know that my heart would sink and I would proably start walking back at that moment.

  2. You spelt dying wrong!
    All through the book as I was reading, I was kind of sickened on how brutal the killings were. It was so descriptive! I kinda thought it was funny that they killed people without feeling the pain and how heartless they seemed to be. I wouldn't be able to harm another person and not feel guilty about it. I probably wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I have take the life of someone else out of this world.

  3. What affected me were all those people that died and the way they died. They were just killed so brutally and what bothered me the most was that the soldiers didn’t care who, or what they killed. They just didn’t feel anything. It was just so sad to read. If I had to ask Ishmael a question it would be, did you ever think about (at the beginning of being a soldier) running away and go try to find your family?
