Tuesday, October 13, 2009


When Ishmael is given his uniform, he is told to throw his other clothes into the fire. He is extremely disappointed when his tapes are melted. However, how is this symbolic? Consider what the tapes represent? What part of his life is over? What part is beginning?


  1. The tapes that were burned in the fire i think represents Ishmael's past and all that has happened. When it got tossed into the fire that represent that the past is over and now he's joining the military. It's like a new beginning for him.

  2. The tapes that were burned represented his old life, before he entered the war. When they were burned it symbolized his old life ending and a new begining. (which isn't necessarily a good beginning)

  3. The tapes were the last material things from his old life. The only things he has now is his Ak47 and his new army uniform, thats his new life.

  4. I think wen the tapes that were burned represented his old life as a child.when they were burned it symbolizes his old life ending and his new life beggining.

  5. Part of what I think about what the tapes represented were not only his past life, but also the part of his life when he could be virtually carefree and do something so "childish" with his time. So now he is forced to move forward into his new life as a soldier, in which he must be much more serious. He is no longer a child.

  6. I think this symbolizes the end of his childhood, and everything he knew. The tapes represented his fun side, and his innocence. It basicly was like a part of HIM. This is representing the changing of his personality. So now his childhood and everything he knew is over. What is begginging is his life in the war.
