Friday, October 16, 2009

Point of View

I mentioned earlier about how important point of view is. How does hearing this story from Ishmael’s perspective affect how you feel about child soldiers?

How might you feel about Ishmael if this were a story told from the eyes of one of the UNICEF workers?


  1. It was better told from Ishmael's point of view because then you get to hear what he felt and thought. If a UNICEF worker told the story, then he would just talk about what he thought of Ishmael. You might feel that he had just felt that he was a kid lost from war. When you see from Ishmael's point you realize so much more happened to him. You get to hear how he struggled and suffered. He wasn't just a kid who had suffered from the war, he was affected in so many more ways then the average person.

  2. I think that if it was told from a UNICEF worker's point of view, the story may have been reduced to a person's bias against others. But Ishamel is so open to ideas, thoughts and other people. So the entire setting is really opened up. I think.

  3. I agree with Ktie and Matt. If Ishmael's story had been told from a UNICEF worker's point of view, then you probably would've thought of Ishmael as just another kid from the war, and you wouldn't understand what he had been through. Hearing about the child soldiers, i think it's absolutely horrendous. They are given drugs so they don't feel pain and trained to kill anyone who wasn't helping them. They killed innocent people and didn't think twice about it.

  4. I think the story written by Ishmael made the story better. If the story was written by a UNICEF, it wouldn't be the same, the whole story would've changed. People can try to grasp Ishmael's feelings, but nobody would totally get it. Also, if the story was written by a UNICEF, it wouldn't be a memoir, because nobody was there to observe Ishmael through his childhood.

  5. I agree with Katie, Briese21 and Julia S. The story from Ishmael's point of view is probably much more descriptive because he experiences the brutality of war at such a young age. You can read what he thought, what he did, and what he sees. He decribes everything so thoroughly. It's really impressive! I think that if the story came from a UNICEF worker's point of view, it wouldn't be as good. It would probably just be what they thought of the soldiers and not have anything as interesting as experiences of the child soldiers.

  6. I agree with Briese 21, if the story was told in the eyes of a UNICEF worker they would have used judgement. But Ishmael lived it, so you get to see it through the eyes of someone who actually went through it. I think having children fighting war is horrible, and it will affect the next generation. The children are so badly brainwashed that they don't even care about what's happening. It's really sad. If I heard it from a UNICEF workers side, I'd feel sorry for the children, but I'd also think bad of them. I think hearing it from Ishmael is WAY better.

  7. From Ishmael’s point of view I feel like being a child soldier would be horrible and bad. If it was told from a workers point of view I would think they were just bad kids with problems from the war. IF the story was told from a UNICEF worker’s point of view it wouldn’t have been as good because you wouldn’t have known how Ishmael felt and what he saw.
