Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mr. Neville

At the end of the film, Mr. Neville cannot afford to continue the search for the girls. He is quoted saying, "If they would only understand what we are trying to do for them." What does he mean? What do you think about what he is saying/meaning?


  1. I think Mr. Neville is trying to tell them that he wants to help him. He wants the girls' to go back and learn how to be good christian believer and prepare them for their future, and teach them respect. So I think in his mind he's helping them, but to them he's only doing this to torture them.

  2. I think Mr. Neville is trying to say that the white people are trying to save the children from completely becoming an Aboriginal person. The white people think they are superior to the Aboriginal people. I strongly disagree with Mr. Neville because in my opinion, the white people have no right taking the Aboriginal people's children away from their families.

  3. Maybe Mr. Neville thinks that he is doing the girls and other half-castes a favor by trying to make them good Christians, but he doesn't think of how the kids are feeling when he takes them away from their families. He thinks he is helping them, but he's realling making people miserable, both the children and their families.

  4. I think that Mr. Neville thinks he's trying to help the girls but he really doesn't know how to help, when he's teaching them how to be good Christian people and urbanizing them. Mr. Neville is saying that he wants them to be "civilized", "respectable", and "normal" and to have them basically not have any of their old culture.

  5. I think Mr. Neville is delusional. He tells himself that he's doing these people a favor when he's really not. He just doing it for the position, power, and money.

  6. I agree with Sarahkiz because i also think that he believes that he is doing something great for the girls, but has a totally opposite effect on them. He thinks that he's right. I also believe with QuietKid because i think that it's wrong for them to just take the children away. To try to breed out the race out of the world is pretty harsh. I think that the thought of him being powerful enough to erase a whole ethnicity is wrong.

  7. Mr. Neville is trying to convince everybody that was the one and only choice. He wants people to think he's right. He wants to earn things from other people.

  8. I think Mr. Neville thinks that he is trying to help the girls, but he is actually not helping. He probably thinks that taking them away from there families and training them to live regular lives is helping them when they just want to stay with there families , and live there lives and there life style.

  9. Mr. Neville means that he thinks he is trying to help, but he doesn't realize how he is ruing their whole culture. He thinks he is protecting them, but he is really doing the opposite.

  10. I think Mr. Neville is doing wat he thought was right. He doesnt even realize that he is ruining the aboriginal peoples lives.
