Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Latifa fights back

In My Forbidden Face, Latifa atempts to fight back against control of the Taliban. Can you think of an example of this? How does she defy the Taliban?


  1. She opens the secret school, and encourages her mom's doctor friend to open a secret hospital/clinic.

  2. I think that this whole book is her defying the Taliban. They are on a power trip trying there hardest to steal an innocent country. Just by wrtiting her story and publishing her views against them she is defying what the Taliban wants.

  3. I think that she defied the Taliban by writing that magazine and letting people read it. She also defied the Taliban by opening the school, and watching videos and listening to the radio.

  4. Latifa defied the Taliban by starting a school, having her mom care for a few patients, putting together the issues of their Dawn magazine and watching The Titanic.

  5. Latifa defied the taliban by opening up a school. She also watched the Titanic and she wrote a whole book about her past and how she defied the taliban.
