Friday, October 29, 2010

Ilungas Generosity

Comment on Tidwell's revelation: "And perhaps it was just as well Ilunga and the others weren't in a hurry to become the kind of producers I wanted them to be. They might develop along Western lines with time, but why push them? The local system worked. Everyone was taken care of."

Was anyone frustrated when Ilunga gave his fish away? Explain.


  1. I was frustrated a little because after all the months of hard work Ilunga put into his pond and harvest, he just watched it vanish from his hands in minutes. If that were me I would have given the villagers and my family SOME, but not ten each person,maybe five, so then I could have a bit more to myself.

  2. i think i was i would have given some away but not as many as illunga was.

  3. I would have given away fish to my close friends and family, but other than that i wouldn't have given away anymore.

  4. Only michel was upset I would have been just flat out furious at the village though they laugh and mock you then they just expect your spoils of sucess.

  5. I was neutral. I could see why he was giving them away because he was the chief and didn't want his people to go hungry. But if he didn't get his wife back he would be in a tough situation.
